Thursday 14 June 2007

10. Why were the Scots often successful abroad?

Statue of Robert Burns in New York's Central Park

  1. They could speak English . This was a big help in Canada, USA, Australia etc.
    Scots were mostly Protestant and White. This gave them an advantage over other groups at a time when racist attitudes were still common.

  2. They were often well educated. (Just like you!)

  3. They arrived in fairly small numbers compared to other groups of migrants. This made them less threatening.

  4. Migrating in quite small numbers meant that the Scots could “network” more easily.

  5. Scots had a good reputation in certain trades e.g. engineering (Think of Scottie in Star Trek!)

  6. Scottish culture was popular in other nations due to Robert Burns, Walter Scott etc. This made Scots popular too.

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